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Cleaning, repairs, childcare, administrative procedures... Many everyday tasks are time-consuming, tiring and complex. Since it's difficult to juggle professional and private life, how do you make time for yourself?

In addition to the hazards of everyday life, the concierge service also offers its expertise for life's highlights. A big move to plan? Major work to be done at home? Concierge services offer dedicated teams to carry out major life projects.

In a society where time always seems to be short, the concierge service helps you in your daily life. Individual and professional, you will find listening and concrete assistance there.

Because you are relieved of everyday worries, you will be able to devote yourself entirely to the projects that are important to you. Or simply, have time for yourself and your loved ones.

100finConciergerie et Services offers you this assistance.

Our offer is divided between the service dedicated to individuals and that dedicated to professionals. Consequently, we were able to precisely target the needs of our customers.

Concierge services for individuals are structured around four main axes:

• Our concierge service dedicated to individuals: it is the management of your home services, including maintenance of your exteriors (gardens, swimming pool, etc.). We include in our service the management and valuation of your seasonal rental.

• Personal services: this service offers home help. There you will find, among other things, solutions for looking after your children, a laundry service or help for people losing their autonomy.

• Administrative: our teams take care of your administrative procedures. In addition, we offer you IT assistance as part of your online procedures.

• DIY: we put our network of trusted professionals at your disposal. They will carry out small jobs in your home

Our corporate concierge serviceThe professional service is divided into two distinct services.

• Service dedicated to employees: this includes all the services your employees can benefit from (mobility, dry cleaning, school transport for executives)

• Service dedicated to the company: this service intervenes directly within the company to facilitate its management (maintenance of premises, communication services, transport of mail or fragile items, etc.).

It also includes logistical expertise to organize events or manage moves.Our services offer a practical solution for managing your daily life. We place your well-being at the heart of our mission.

This is why we hope to contribute positively to your quality of life.

And this both in your private and professional lifeDaily service

A set of services that will allow you to lighten your household chores and reduce your travel, your concierge will be at your disposal to handle your requests : dry cleaning, sewing, cleaning your carpets, etc....

With the aim of returning them to you once the service has been carried out, within the announced time frame and at the best price.

• Dry cleaning

• Laundry

• Delivery

We take care of everything.We obviously take care of the following tasks: contact with the tenants, arrival at the premises, handing over the keys, explaining how the accommodation works, helping the tenant during their stay, payment of the balance and the deposit, cleaning.

We provide, clean and iron all linens for you.Occasional servicePunctual services that you can call upon according to your needs, your concierge will be happy to respond to your requests, bring you flowers or a gift, bring a professional to your home to hang your pictures or clean your windows thanks to his Address Book.

He will always guide you towards the best!

• Small jobs

• Contact with different trades (plumbers, painters, carpenters, etc.)

• City transportation

• Airport shuttle

• Cleaning staff

• Security service

• Maintenance service

• Support for people

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Daily service

A set of services that will allow you to lighten your household chores and reduce your trips, your concierge will be at your disposal to handle your requests: laundry, shoe repair, sewing, cleaning your carpets, leather clothes, etc .... with the concern to bring them back to you once the service has been performed, within the announced timeframe and at the best price.

  • Pressing
  • Ironing
  • Laundry
  • Delivery
  • Farmer's basket
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Family and home service

To be able to devote yourself entirely to your family, the concierge offers services for employees and their relatives. Speak to your concierge for any request! Entrust your concierge with your personal computer that needs an upgrade, your faulty kettle, your phone with the broken glass and even the reception of your personal parcels.

  • Computer repair
  • Repair of small household appliances
  • Personal parcels
  • Administrative
  • Stationery store

Occasionnal service

One-off services that you can call on according to your needs, your concierge will be happy to answer your requests, bring you flowers or a gift, bring a professional to your home to hang your paintings or clean your windows thanks to his Address Book. He will not fail to always direct you to the best!

Contact us for more information

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